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Dear ECE Community:  

We hope this message finds you well and you and your family are enjoying summer.

To the extent possible, and in the interest of keeping channels of communication open, we wanted to provide our community with a brief update on ECE matters related to former ECE staffer Christopher Rodriguez. 

As you are likely aware, the investigation and criminal case proceedings are ongoing. Mr. Rodriguez remains barred from entering UCLA campus and ECE facilities and from contacting any families or employees at ECE.

ECE continues to cooperate with authorities as needed and evaluate and implement measures designed to support our community and enhance the safety of our students and families.  

  • Criminal Case Updates 
    While ECE seeks to cooperate fully with law enforcement in this matter, it does not control and has very limited involvement in the criminal proceedings. The L.A. City Attorney does not keep us apprised of changes or developments to the criminal matter, and results of court hearings and related updates to the case docket are done at the discretion of the Court and City Clerk and can be delayed. For these reasons, ECE is unable to provide regular updates regarding the criminal case. We suggest those looking for information and updates regarding the criminal case proceedings refer to the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.  
  • Communication 
    Our goal is to foster an environment of open and honest communication. As possible, we will continue to provide information via the ECE website but it’s important to remember that our limited involvement in the criminal case and the sensitive nature of this situation limits what we may be able to share. We also appreciate your respect for the privacy of the individuals involved. As stated above, for the most accurate information regarding the criminal case proceedings, please refer to the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.  
  • Safety and Security  
    Protecting the wellbeing of children in our care is our utmost priority. As you know, in recent months ECE has undertaken several measures to address safety and security and we continue to assess and work with UCPD to monitor and enhance security measures. A thorough security assessment of our campus operations has been completed and we are currently reviewing and implementing recommendations. We plan to share further details about these efforts at a later date.
  • Support  
    UCLA and the ECE administration are here to support you. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to ECE, UCPD at (310) 825-1491, or RAINN’s hotline at (800) 656-4673.

    Additionally, ECE has procured the assistance of a licensed therapeutic clinician who is able to help guide referrals for mental health support and resources for families in need. To utilize this referral resource, please contact Ingrid Murrle at or (310) 757-0411. These referral resources are available at no charge for eligible families; contact Dr. Murrle for more information about reimbursement details.

As always, ECE Executive Director Tashon McKeithan, Krieger Center Director Alessandra Pinheiro, and Coordinator Rosie Castillo are available for our community. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if we may be of assistance.

ECE remains committed to protecting children in our care. We do not tolerate any form of inappropriate behavior. If you are or become aware of any inappropriate behavior, please inform us immediately and report it to one or more of the following agencies: 

  • UCLA Police Department: (310) 825-1491 
  • Los Angeles County Child Protection Hotline: (800) 540-4000 
  • Los Angeles Police Department Juvenile Division/Abused Child Unit: (213) 486-0570   

We sincerely appreciate the understanding and support of our ECE community as we navigate this challenging situation and remain thankful and proud to be part of such a loving and caring community.  

In partnership and support,  

Tashon McKeithan                                                                Georgia Ann Lazo
Executive Director,                                                                  Associate Dean,
Early Care and Education                                                       University Partnership Schools